操心術外伝 ~綾河博士のHENTAI事件簿~|STUDIO邪恋


How to lose your sweetheart

  Losing sweetheart is not a quite simple thing, I know, because I had the same trouble before. But after I accepted Dr. Loser Heart-attack’s guide, I lose my teddy bear successfully. Now I am going to introduce you the basic version of losing sweetheart. You can download the full version at www.itdoesntexist.com.
  There are some main steps to lose your sweetheart. Before you decide to lose your sweetheart, you have to know why you want to lose your sweetheart and if it is necessary to lose it. Does he steal your toothbrush to brush toilet every month? Does she order you to paint white roses red or to build by candy? You can read the table 3.2 to analyze if your sweetheart needs to be lost. If your sweetheart points are lower than 8 that mean you can close this document and continue your life. If not, congratulation, you can go the next step now.

  Now you know that you really have to or need to lose your sweetheart, it’s time to next step: get rid of that guy. It’s a bad idea to throw the body…oh I mean sweetheart into the river; it’s not good for natural. Throwing him in front of a fast-driving truck is a good way if there are not any monitors on the road near your home. In my option, I suggest you speckle lots of sugar on him and put him near ants’ nest. Remember, do all this job by yourself, unless you want to brave the risk of betrayal.

  After you have lost your sweetheart successfully, the final step is cleaning the evidence. You can bride the judge and police, I don’t suggest this way unless you are the oil king or the lottery winner. The best way is erasing memory, including yours. If you have a friend who works for U.S. government; try to borrow the memory erasing gun. You might say “But I don’t have friend who works at 51 area,” that’s OK, there is an easy way to remove memory, just push their head to the wall.

  We wish you have a nice losing experience. Oh, by the way, we won’t responsible for any law problem if you are arrested.


FFK 2011-12-04








表演形式就是像你在YOUTUBE上對嘴其他歌手的歌那樣 不知道你有沒有興趣參加我們的節目錄影拿獎金呢?"





這部片的導演細田守是我非常喜歡的動畫電影導演之一,除了他以外我還喜歡擅長圖像隱喻的押井守以及英年早逝,擅長描寫現實與幻想之間今 敏,至於電視動畫方面我則是非常喜歡擅於特殊角度和光影處理的新房昭之。一開始我在迪士尼看時還不知道細田守這個名字,直到有一次我看了「夏日大作戰」,覺得真是超好看的,在結尾名單看到導演是細田守,想說這位導演還導過哪些片呢?到維基百科一查才發現,哇!原來「跳躍吧!時空少女」也是他導的,難怪這兩部都那麼好看,而且這兩部都拿下了東京動畫獎年度最佳動畫(2007年與2010年)。從此我就變成他的粉絲了。附帶一提,曾經拿下年度最佳動畫的作品還有「神隱少女」、「霍爾的移動城堡」、「崖上的波妞」這幾部宮崎駿的作品。

